Thursday, February 16



                The burial of our late President Ferdinand Marcos at the Heroes’ Cemetery has been a controversial issue here in the Philippines because it was hidden to the public. Do you find the decision reasonable?
                If I were to answer the question, I will say no. Why? Simply because the Filipino people deserve to know what’s happening in the country. Because we are living in a democratic country, it is the right of the Filipinos to know it. Although we all know that the Supreme Court had decided that the late Marcos be buried at the Heroes’ Cemetery in unspecified date, the people were shocked because the burial took place last November 18, 2016.
Some of the victims of Human Rights violation during the Martial Law Era and the participants of the People Power Revolution have opposed to bury Marcos at the Heroes’ Cemetery because of his authoritarian rule. Former President Joseph Estrada once attempted to bury Marcos at the Heroes’ Cemetery on July 1998 but later he cancelled the burial because late President Cory Aquino opposed to it. President Rodrigo Duterte later asserted his plans for the burial of Ferdinand Marcos. He’s always insisting that the burial will be an instrument for the beginning of “nationwide healing” but the plan met criticism. The burial of our late President Marcos was conducted in a private ceremony that resulted a nationwide protest. Until now, anti-Marcos were still protesting about his burial.
We all know that Marcos has done a lot for our country, but we can’t blame those people if they are always opposing the burial and kept on protesting because they had bad experiences during the Martial Law Era.
As one of the Filipino citizen who’s concern about my fellowmen, I understand what they feel. Their right was violated. It is not acceptable that they hide the burial to the public. But we have to accept what had happened. We have to accept the fact that Marcos has already been buried. 

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